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Tarot for Creatives September 5th to 11th 2022

Writer's picture: Julie EmbletonJulie Embleton

Hello, Creatives!

Mercury ain’t retrograde until September 9th, but in Creative Soul Tarot HQ, it certainly felt like it was for the last while. Unfortunately, my internet/mobile issue morphed from a hitch to a disaster, and I was left without a phone and internet for almost two weeks. Not a good thing when most of my working day is spent online reading for clients. Sigh. Anyhoo, it has finally been sorted, so I’m back on track. It left me unable to send out last week’s newsletter, too, so my apologies for that. Thankfully, it’s now all working fine and the hassle is over, so it’s back to normal service. Technology, eh?

Tarot cards with crystals and a plant
Queen of Pentacles, King of Wands, King of Pentacles. Samiramay Tarot

We have a Full Moon in Pisces coming this Saturday the 10th of September 2022. This Full Moon brings a dreamy, creative energy, while also facilitating emotional release. This release may feel quite powerful; as if tipping point is suddenly reached, and all that which brought pressure to perform and perfect is abruptly let go. While liberating, it can also feel unsettling, so this week’s spread looks at the theme of release and how best to work with this purging energy by asking: What no longer serves me, How can I release this, What should I welcome in its place?

We have a full house of royals this week, starting with the Queen of Pentacles in the position of What no longer serves? Considering the Pisces Full Moon shedding the urge to perform and perfect, the Queen is a spookily apt card to appear here. The Queen is a powerhouse of work/life balance. She runs a happy, warm home, and a thriving, successful business. But the time has come to lay down that crown for a while. Burnout may already be draining your battery, so hit pause. Because this is the wise and accomplished Queen, you can rest assured that the break will not work against what you’ve already achieved. You can’t power ahead indefinitely, so ease off as the week progresses, and give yourself permission to shift into a new mindset.

"You can do anything, but not everything." - Dave Allen

The King of Wands brings advice of How to release. With his natural born leadership skills, he has the art of delegation perfectly honed, so his advice while you take a rest is to look at what resources you have to hand, and consider how these resources can work harder for you. Perhaps there are tasks you could automate, or schedule in advance? Is there something you could physically hand over to another person; social media posts, invoicing, billing etc.? Take a look at your home environment, too. Who could help out more by taking over responsibility for specific tasks? Are you delegating as efficiently as you can? The King of Wands is a problem solver. He tackles challenges with relish, as he enjoys the thrill of letting nothing get the better of him.

A second King appears in the What should I welcome in position, and as the King of Pentacles, it brings a significant shift into a more disciplined, secure, and abundant energy. With the help of the King of Wands, you can shift from a ‘I can do it all, and perfectly! mindset to an attitude of knowing you most certainly can do it all, but you don’t have to, because you have a ‘kingdom’ at your disposal. The card of fulfilment and worldly success, it indicates the completion of a creative task or business venture. Diligence and attention to detail will bring great accomplishment, leaving you to enjoy all you have created. This is a card that bodes exceptionally well for future financial stability. The King also gives of his time and resources generously, because he knows that by giving, he will receive more, so don’t be shy about sharing your wisdom and support, in whatever form it may take.

Expect to feel a lot of active energy with the Kings and Queen this week. Smart-thinking is key to working with the King energy, especially when it comes to delegation, so look to where you can make these changes. Start small. One simple change can make a world of difference, and often start a domino effect in other areas.

Have a great week, my creative friends!

Deck: Samiramay Tarot by Vera Petruk

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