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Tarot for Creatives Oct 14th to 20th 2024

Writer's picture: Julie EmbletonJulie Embleton

Hello, Creatives!

October’s Full Moon arrives on Thursday 17th October. Known as the Hunter’s Moon, it reflects the time for gathering meat in preparation for the incoming winter. For many, this involved culling the weakest animals within the herds to give precedence to the strongest; those who would survive the harsh months ahead. Yet, risk lay with choosing one animal over another. What if it didn’t survive? Before Thursday, the moon sits in its Waxing Gibbous phase where we refine, endure, and celebrate successes, so before we consider what needs culling on the Full Moon, it’s important to examine what we have to work with.

Working with the beautiful Earth Woman tarot, this week’s Tarot for Creatives asks: What needs refining, Where should I endure, What will I be celebrating?

Tarot Cards on a stand with plants and crystals in the background
The Hierophant, King of Cups, Justice. Deck: Earth Woman Tarot

The Hierophant loves tradition. It plays by the rules and never rocks the boat. Appearing in the Refining position, this card points to the rules/traditions/boundaries of your current situation, and how a tweak here and there would improve processes. Now is not the time to ignore traditions or push against boundaries; what’s working is working for a reason. But there’s no harm in taking a closer look to polish things up a little more.

Reflect on who you look to for advice and support at this time. Are those you’ve surrounded yourself with—or look up to—nurturing your best intentions? Perhaps some mentors you’ve outgrown? The Hierophant calls for under the bonnet diagnostics as we build towards the Full Moon. Be strict with what is and isn’t serving you, and take the necessary action to make smart changes.

Your perspective changes everything,

not your circumstances - Anon

The King of Cups is the master of emotions. He rules his kingdom with love and compassion, but much like The Hierophant, knows how to maintain an even keel.

Endure with maintaining calm emotions for this period. Although there may be the temptation to swing the emotional needle higher or lower, the current sweet spot will serve you far better. With the influence of The Hierophant, enduring may mean shifting into a more logical than heart-centred mindset.

Note how the King has both feet firmly planted in the water. Even though it swirls around him, he is rooted in place. Temperance serves him well, so be like the King and don’t falter. Intuition and creativity are also mastered with this card, so the message of endurance applies to these aspects, too. Listen to your inner voice, and if challenged, use your creativity to shift the circumstances.

It’s time to celebrate the scales of Justice swinging in your favour! Often referred to as the card of Karma, Justice is the embodiment of You Reap What You Sow. When Justice steps in, you can be assured that the consequences of actions are about to be revealed—positive and negative. In this instance, with Justice in the Celebration position, we can look forward to the positive. It’s a sign that refining with the influence of The Hierophant, and enduring with the emotional mastery of the King of Cups will bring desired success.

A satisfying sense of fairness comes with this card. Effort pays off. With the Full Moon bringing an energy of release on Thursday, you may find yourself exhaling a large sigh of relief at a job well done. Then comes the time to move out of the strict Hierophant energy and the reserved nature of the King of Cups. In other words, it’ll be time to kick up your heels and celebrate!


Have you a burning question or hot topic relevant to the Tarot for Creatives reading? Reach out and let me know! You can find me at

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