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Tarot for Creatives November 6th to 12th 2023

Writer's picture: Julie EmbletonJulie Embleton

Hello, Creatives!

Welcome to November! The animals who hibernate have a good thing going at this time of year. Once the days shorten, and the cold, wet winter weather rolls in, the urge to bundle up indoors and not poke my nose out until the spring is strong. While regular self-care is important, I believe it’s especially important at this time of year. Our thoughts turn within, while our bodies crave more food, heat, and rest. Unfortunately, hibernation isn’t an option for us, but we can gift ourselves a little more self-care to get through the darker season. With today’s moon shifting into the waning crescent phase, the theme is all about self-care and recuperation. This week’s spread is the Mind, Body, Spirit, but with a focus on how we can care for these aspects in the week ahead.

Tarot cards on a black cloth with rose petals and rose quartz crystals
Temperance, Ace of Cups, Ace of Pentacles. Deck: Tarot de Carlotydes

Healing Temperance opens our reading this week, and in the Mind position, it brings a message of calm, peace, and healing. Temperance loves to find centre. Instead of extremes instigated by emotion, choose calm. Within that gentle place, you’ll find an easier flow. Listen to your thoughts this week, especially how you speak to yourself. Are your words harsh or kind? If you catch yourself being harsh, pull back and choose kindness instead. Temperance appears when past hurt has been resolved and new wisdom has formed. What past events have you made peace with lately, and how does it make you feel? Refine your thoughts this week. Choose kinder words when speaking to yourself. When emotion threatens extreme thoughts, take a breath and try to find the sweet spot where you can be calm and sensible.

“We will be in tune with our bodies only if we love and honour them. We cannot be in good communication with the enemy.” - Harriet Lerner

The Ace of Cups in the Body position brings a new beginning. It’s brewing ideas centred around health; how we can make our bodies happier and feel more loved, while sparking inspiration of how we can achieve this. Think about a fun way to get your body moving this week, something that will bring you joy. If your current exercise regime has you bored, inject it with something different. Who cares if it’s silly? As long as it brings joy to your heart, that’s all that matters. Consider too how you fuel your body. Is what you’re putting in the best? As you walk the aisles of your grocery store, come at it with a new curiosity. Instead of barrelling through and grabbing food on autopilot, slow down. Look at what’s on display, and allow your body to intuitively tell you what it craves—even if it’s something you’ve never eaten before. Have fun with your body this week. Fuel and move it in new ways, and be open to how it may change current habits.

A second Ace, and this time it’s the earthy, grounded Ace of Pentacles. In the Spirit position, it calls for you to start investing in your spiritual well-being. In financial terms, the Ace of Pentacles heralds a new financial beginning; a new job, a promotion, an investment opportunity. When you flip those themes towards the Spiritual, it’s a call to examine your current spiritual health and how you can invest and enhance it. With all new beginnings, it’s wise to start with something simple. First, take time to run a diagnostic on your spiritual health. What does your practice involve? What would you consider changing, or upgrading? Does your practice align with where you are right now emotionally and physically? Reflect on where you’d like to be a month, six months, or even a year from now in terms of your spiritual self-care. You might like to journal your thoughts and ideas. Whatever changes you’d like to make, take baby steps. Pentacles love practical, sensible action, so avoid drastic, sweeping changes. Bring in shifts with care and kindness. Much like Temperance, find the calm sweet spot, where you can easily introduce something new without bringing unnecessary overwhelm upon yourself.

Some thought-provoking messages this week all centred around self-care. Which inspires you the most? Have a healthy, happy week, Creative Souls!

Have you got a burning question or topic relevant to the Tarot for Creatives reading? Reach out and let me know! You can find me at

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