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Tarot for Creatives March 27th to April 2nd 2023

Writer's picture: Julie EmbletonJulie Embleton

Hello, Creatives!

For a bit of fun, I decided to go rogue for this week’s Tarot for Creatives reading, so shut my eyes and blindly chose a spread from my list instead of waiting for an intuitive hit. You, Your Current Path, Your Potential is the winner, so here’s this week’s random reading!

Tarot cards with a candle, crystals and a plant
4 of Pentacles, Page of Wands, Ace of Cups. Deck: Samiramay Tarot

The 4 of Pentacles opens the reading with a message of protecting financial matters. Often called the Miser card, the 4 indicates a mindset of safeguarding, where there’s a drive to protect for fear of being left short. Fours are cards of solidity however, so chances are you can afford to loosen your grip a little as when this card appears it’s typically a sign that the foundation is solid and you’re in a good position. Pentacles aren’t just about money; they represent our career/work/material possessions, so take a moment to reflect on current earthly pursuits and where you may be in a good position, or clinging onto something too tightly. It’s a matter of finding balance; protection on one hand, but opening yourself to opportunity on the other. Consider where balance may be out of whack right now, and see what adjustments can be made.

“And suddenly, you know . . . it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” - Unknown

The dynamic Page of Wands appears in the Current Path position. He’s full of vigour and drive, indicating a new project which will spark motivation and inspiration. With Pages typically viewed as messengers carrying positive news, it’s a great card to see here. Besides a new opportunity coming your way, the Page can also bring someone beneficial who may take on a mentor role. Be open to what they can offer and accept their wisdom. Pages are a young energy, waiting to shift into the more action-orientated mindset of the Knight, and then mature into the accomplished energy of the Queen and King, so bear this in mind as you proceed. Although you may be bursting to see positive results, in can take time. Maintain your drive and excitement, be open to advice, and you’ll find you and your project forming into something solid.

Open your heart!

In the Potential position, the wonderful Ace of Cups hints at another new beginning, but a more emotional, intuitive one. When this card appears, it means the heart is open to love, healing, positivity, and giving. If you’ve been recovering from hurt, the Ace is a positive sign of recovery. Many call this the card of divine connection. This can indicate a new relationship, birth, marriage, partnership, and even a spiritual awakening. With the creative energy of the Page at your back, along with the solidity of the 4 of Pentacles, this new connection is likely connected to creative pursuits. Again, the message is to be open to what comes your way. Bear in mind that the connection of the Ace can be more than romantic; it may bring a productive and inspiring collaboration, a person with whom you form a beautiful friendship, or even divine inspiration that takes your creativity on a whole new journey. Tune into the world around you. Be ready for synchronicities, chance meetings, and opportunities. Huge potential lies in Ace energy, so open your heart and be ready to receive!

Overall this week, one word carries through each card; Potential. The potential to further solidify finances and work related matters, the potential of a new project and/or mentor figure, and the potential within you to form a divine connection. Grab onto this zingy energy and see where it takes you! Have an inspired week, creative souls!

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