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Tarot for Creatives June 19th to 25th 2023

Writer's picture: Julie EmbletonJulie Embleton

Hello, Creatives!

It’s all about new beginnings for this week’s Tarot for Creatives reading. Yesterday was a new moon and we’re currently in the waxing crescent phase, so the energy right now is suited to fresh starts, manifesting, and taking action. I’m using a New Start spread this week, a great one when considering a new project or embracing a new habit. It asks: How should I explore, Where might I be vulnerable, What resources should I use?

Tarot cards on a purple cloth with crystals and a candle
Temperance, The Messenger, The World. Deck: Pride Tarot

Three major arcana this week, so important messages as we launch into new beginnings, starting with Temperance in the Explore position. Balance, healing, and peace come with Temperance. Typically, this card appears when past wounds have healed and we find ourselves moving forward with new-found trust and wisdom. Because of this, Temperance is often seen as a new beginning card, so very apt for this week’s reading.

Temperance asks us to find centre. Instead of working with extremes, she calls for balance; moving with grace. There’s no need to rush with Temperance as you explore new opportunities. Test the waters, experiment, listen to intuition to see what’s good. In other words, exercise a little patience as you explore new creative opportunities or lifestyle choices. Lean into your intuition and new-found wisdom to feel your way.

“The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.” - Neil Gaiman

Traditionally the Hierophant, in the Pride deck, key 5 is depicted as The Messenger. Bringing an energy of hope and leadership, it calls for truth. In the Vulnerable position, it suggests you may find your voice silenced as others speak over you or disregard your opinions. On the flip side, it also indicates you don’t trust your own voice to speak up. To figure out where your vulnerability lies, you’ll need to explore two avenues; firstly, those with whom you interact. Are the people surrounding you team mates or competitors? Do they support or tear down? Depending on how you answer, you then need to ask how the Messenger appears within you. Do you speak up with conviction, or are you submissive? The Messenger asks you to face your vulnerability and take action to conquer it. Whether others shout you down, or you find yourself too afraid to speak up, it’s time to speak your truth. Work with the graceful energy of Temperance as you tackle this issue. A kind approach will work better than an aggressive. Draw on the wisdom Temperance has brought. The you of now is stronger than the you of then.

We opened with the new beginning energy of Temperance, but now reach a completion phase with the World, telling us that the resources we need at this time are now present in us thanks to all the knowledge and wisdom we’ve accrued. The World tells us we don’t need to seek answers externally; we already possess everything we require. Much like the Magician, the power is in our hands, and we’re now master manifestors. After working through a full cycle, we’re now in a positive position to move into a new phase. Step into it with confidence. Your best resource right now is you! If you can continue to work with the balance of Temperance and speak your truth with the Messenger, you’ll move into a new cycle with more strength than ever before. What are you ready to embrace?

It’s been a while since we’ve had a trio of majors for the weekly reading. Their messages pack a more powerful punch, and demand a little self-work from us to truly benefit from their energy. Which card speaks to you the most this week? I’m drawn to the balanced energy of Temperance, welcoming the idea of avoiding extremes. What about you?

Have a burning question or topic you’d like me to read for next week? Reach out and let me know! You can find me at

Did you know my weekly newsletter contains this Tarot for Creatives reading, along with crystal recommendations, an oracle card for the week ahead, and other goodies I’m inspired to share? You can sign up by completing the contact form which can be found at the foot of the home page.


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