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Tarot for Creatives April 29th to May 5th 2024

Writer's picture: Julie EmbletonJulie Embleton

Hello, Creatives!

Welcome to another Tarot for Creatives reading! April has flown by, and while the weather here isn’t great, the long days are so welcome.

I’m taking a different approach to the reading this week by asking one overall question for the cards: What energy should I bring to current creative projects? With so much fertile energy swirling around at this time of year, many of us are diving into new projects. I’ve just begun writing my thirteenth book, and am doing lots of planning around expanding my tarot business, so I’m certainly feeling the expansive energy! Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Tarot cards on a black velvet cloth with black salt, a candle, and feathers
King of Swords, Page of Swords, 10 of Pentacles. Deck: Tarot de la Nuit

A double hit of Swords energy this week, opening with the King of Swords. With a lack of Wands and Cups in the cards, we’re looking at a more logical approach to creative projects right now, perhaps even dealing with the administrative, business side of things.

The King brings a masterful approach. This is an energy of smart leadership, where forward planning, contingency plans, and detailed organisation brings success. It’s certainly not the exciting, inspirational energy that we creatives thrive off, but still a necessary function, especially if creative work pays bills. Clear communication, integrity, and analytical thinking are the key to current projects. Approach challenges with a calm, controlled mindset, and be sure to follow ethical standards. It’s all very practical, eh?

“Critical thinking and curiosity are the key to creativity.”

- Amala Akkineni

The Page of Swords brings a message of important news and mental stimulation. Change is on the way, and it may take the form of a challenge or new learning.

The Page cuts through BS. They want the truth. As the youthful and curious energy of the court cards, they’re inspired by the opportunity to learn and grow, so anything that prevents this, they won’t tolerate. With The Page a curious seeker, an opportunity to upskill may appear. Now is the perfect time to take this on, as the Page (coupled with the King) places you in an energy of great mental agility.

Overall with the Page of Swords the message is similar to the King’s call for analytical thinking, but the Page also asks us to embrace learning to assist and enhance creative projects. We may be lacking the inspirational energy of Cups and Wands, but the Page does brings a determined, driven mindset.

Gather the clan and celebrate!

We round off the reading with a message of wealth and prosperity from the 10 of Pentacles. After sitting in logical, analytical Swords energy, we’re reaping the rewards. The 10 brings financial security. A card of earthly stability it reflects a job well done. Gather the clan, celebrate, and take a moment to acknowledge what you’ve achieved. Tens are cards of completion, but this doesn’t mean the end; it’s simply one cycle closing so another can begin. This ties in to the Legacy theme of this card, so reflect on what you’ve created, what you hope to create in the future, and on an even deeper level, what impact you’d like to make within this lifetime.

On a practical level, the 10 often indicates a need to examine financial planning for the future which includes pensions, life insurance, and wills. All very mundane stuff, but necessary for security.

With no Cups or Wands in sight, the energy for the week ahead is all very practical and grounded. By following the logical practices of the King, and the upskilling call from the Page, we should see ourselves emerging into the abundant energy of the 10 of Pentacles. So, although it may not be a week of inspiring creative fun, smart thinking and planning will reap rewards. Have a wonderful week, creative souls! There’ll be a break next week for the May bank holiday, so I’ll be back on the 13th.


Have you a burning question or hot topic relevant to the Tarot for Creatives reading? Reach out and let me know! You can find me at

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