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Tarot for Creatives April 17th to 23rd 2023

Writer's picture: Julie EmbletonJulie Embleton

Hello, Creatives!

Welcome back to Tarot for Creatives! I took a break last week for the Bank Holiday, and enjoyed some much needed downtime—along with a healthy dose of chocolate. The Teenager (who’s about to turn 20 in a few weeks so I’ll have to use a new name for her soon!) was home from college, so we got to hang out and catch up properly.

A new moon arrives on Thursday, but right now we’re in the waning crescent phase which is a perfect time to indulge in self-care, rest, and recuperation. This week’s reading examines your energy focus, by asking what drains your energy, what boosts it, and where you can look for nurturing with the Release, Embrace, Nurture spread.

Tarot cards on a pink mat with crystals, a plant, and rose petals
Queen of Pentacles, The Sun, 3 of Cups. Deck: Rider Smith Waite

The Queen of Pentacles is a powerhouse when it comes to balancing work and home life. She keeps all the plates spinning, along with finding time to nurture herself. While it’s a great energy to aspire to, it’s not serving your better good right now. When the Queen appears in a release position, it’s an indication you’re about to run yourself into the ground as you rush about trying to keep control of everything. Take your foot off the gas and slow down. Delegate where possible, and be honest about what you can release altogether. Consider quality over quantity—including the quality of your mind, body, and spirit. If your crown weighs a little heavy right now, it’s okay to take it off for a while.

An empty tank will take you nowhere. Take time to refuel.

The joyful, happy Sun beams out at us in the Embrace position, cementing the message of the Queen with a call for some light-hearted fun. When did you last take a few hours, or even a day, to indulge in fun? When did you last tilt your face towards the sun, blow off responsibility, and spend a few luxurious hours nurturing your self? The Sun calls on us to remember what brings us joy, and to engage in that activity. Note the red cloak the baby is throwing aside. It suggests throwing off the weight of the Queen’s responsibilities to rest and recuperate. Success won’t disappear if you take a little time off. The Sun brings lots of positivity, with a promise of abundance, so embrace the sunshine and give your energy a much needed boost of joy.

Nurturing comes in the form of community, celebration, and again, more fun! The 3 of Cups reminds us to kick up our heels, gather friends, and enjoy the gift of community. Did you celebrate your last success, or did the accomplishment get nothing more than a passing nod as you dived straight into your next project? Why not celebrate it now? Get together with like-minded people and welcome in the support it offers. Nurturing awaits in the those that don’t hesitate to rally around you. With the childlike joy of the Sun at your back, a get together with laughter, music, and dancing will replenish mind, body, and spirit.

A lovely message with this week’s cards, reminding us to set down our crowns for a while so we can soak up some much needed rest, joy, and friendship. If your creative flow is sluggish of late, here’s where the solution lies! Have a wonderful week, creative souls!

Did you know my weekly newsletter contains this Tarot for Creatives reading, along with crystal recommendations, an oracle card for the week ahead, and other goodies I’m inspired to share? You can sign up by completing the contact form which can be found at the foot of the home page.


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