A YouTube live event celebrating Brigid and her Fire of Transformation.
With February a time of transformation, and the month in which Brigid is celebrated in both her Pagan and Christian forms, it’s a perfect time of year to tap into her creative energy. I had the honour of joining Luna & the Druid on their podcast last week to chat all about Brigid and her transformative energy, how she flows through tarot, and how to invoke her beautiful presence with simple rituals.
You can find Celebrating Brigid's Day with Luna & the Druid via this link. Enjoy!
Would you like to feature as a guest on the blog? Perhaps you have a topic you’d like to see featured? If so, reach out to me at julie@creativesoultarot.com Whether it’s a question, an idea, or a wish to share your creative path, let me know! I love to hear from creatives and am always open to sharing within our amazing community!