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2024 The Year of Strength

Writer's picture: Julie EmbletonJulie Embleton

2024 is upon us, and with it, the mighty, yet graceful energy of Strength. Welcome to 2024, the Year of Strength!

A selection of Strength tarot cards on a wooden surface
2024 The Year of Strength

Calculated by adding the single digits of the incoming year 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 which gives us 8, the number of Strength, this powerful major arcana card represents courage, patience, and compassion. 2023 was the year of The Chariot, a card denoting outer strength and willpower. This year, the Chariot’s strength and determination remains, but it’s focused inwardly now, representing an energy of grace under fire and the power of human spirit.

RSW Strength Tarot Card
Deck: Rider Smith Waite

When life throws curveballs our way, we can call upon Strength for confidence and fortitude. Just take a look at the image within the card to understand its energy. A woman gently holds a lion by its forehead and lower jaw. With an expression of serenity, she’s calmly taming the wild beast. Her might is not one of physical power, but of quiet inner strength, represented by the positioning of her arms. The left reflects her mental effort, the right her physical. While her left arm exerts the most pressure, denoting strength of mind, her right gently holds the lion.

The Strength card from the Tarot de Carlotydes deck
Deck: Tarot de Carlotydes

When faced with obstacles, Strength calls on us to work with compassion, grace, and calm. Where 2023 was driven by the action-centred Chariot, 2024 brings a much gentler energy, indicating stamina and persistence will assist us in moving forward for the next 12 months. Composure is key. Compassion plays an important role, too. In order to tame the beasts that come our way in 2024, we must nurture tolerance. If we accept our combined needs and imperfections, we can create trust, and therefore, a safe space. From this energy, we can then gently influence without brute force.

In order for Strength’s qualities to shine, we need to tackle our raw emotions. Much like Temperance directs us towards finding the sweet spot in order to gain balance, Strength calls for the same. To ignite our intuition and spiritual wisdom, we must learn to overcome wild emotion and unchecked fear. So, as reflected by the woman calmly subduing the lion, we must conquer our fears, keep our impulses in check, and cultivate love and compassion for both ourselves and others.

The Strength tarot card from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer deck
Deck: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Are you inclined to speak your mind, regardless of how your words may sting? If you have the tendency to lash out with your tongue, Strength encourages you to subdue that beast. Instead of acting impulsively or irrationally, take a breath, count to five, and reframe the situation with compassion.

If lack of confidence is wearing you down, Strength’s presence for the year offers great hope. It encourages assertiveness, reminding us to draw upon our unique gifts, skills, and talents. ‘Fight self-doubt!’ Strength commands. ‘All you need is already within!’ Likewise, if you’re heading into this new year already exhausted, or stressed; Strength brings a message of brighter days. You have the endurance to keep going, and things are going to get better, so don’t allow self-doubt to drag your feet.

Overall, Strength calls upon us to apply strength, courage, and compassion to our endeavours. We’ll need patience, as unlike the Chariot, Strength works at a slower pace. We must also be conscious that with Strength, a lot happens beneath the surface, without our knowledge, so although we may not see the results as fast as we’d like, we will be rewarded and recognised for our efforts.

A spread of 8 Strength cards from Tarot

Here’s a breakdown of how Strength influences the areas of Relationships & Emotions, Career, Work & Finances, Health & Wellbeing, and Spirituality.

The Strength card from the Edmund Dulac tarot
Deck: Edmund Dulac Tarot


& Emotions

If you have your sights set on love and romance for 2024, Strength encourages perseverance. You’re certainly on the right path, so continue to nurture your self-confidence and self-love. If you can present yourself to the world at peace with yourself, and confident of your needs, you’ll attract the right partner. Avoid rushing into a new connection. Take your time with getting to know that special person. Cultivating an emotional connection first builds a stronger foundation.

If you’re already in a relationship, 2024 sees that partnership strengthening. Previous doubts will fade as you grow more confident and peaceful within your relationship. Communication will improve, allowing you to tackle any lingering insecurities. If emotions do become strained, remember to wield compassion, especially if you’re likely to blurt out hurtful or unhelpful words.

The Strength card from the Pride tarot deck
Deck: Pride Tarot

Career, Work & Finances

Again, Strength in a career reading indicates you’re on the right path. Maintain the focus and tactics you’ve been using, and the career or work-related goal for which you’re striving, will be achieved.

If you’re hoping for a promotion, Strength indicates you’re heading in the right direction. Stay consistent with your efforts, and lean into your wisdom and assertiveness to keep moving forward.

When it comes to finances, Strength brings a message of healthy money management. You resist the urge to splurge, but also know when it’s wise to invest. Strength’s love of patience comes into play here. When financial opportunities are presented, do your homework before making any commitment. Avoid making decisions under pressure, and always heed your intuition.

The Strength tarot card from the Heaven & Earth tarot
Deck: Heaven & Earth Tarot

Health & Wellbeing

Health is strong at the present. Vitality is high, so if you’re considering a new health regime, you’re perfectly placed to kick start a new routine. No matter your goal, perseverance is key. But so too is compassion for self. Don’t overextend yourself, or push hard enough to strip the joy from your endeavours. Be patient with yourself. Smaller, achievable steps are far more encouraging and rewarding than giant, overwhelming changes that can typically fail quite quickly.

If your health is poor at this time, Strength indicates a recovery. You have the perseverance to get through this time. Be patient and kind with yourself. Strength also reminds you to check in on the connection between Mind, Body, and Spirit to boost your healing. Consider where imbalances might lie and address them. If the inner you is not at peace, you cannot expect the outer you to thrive.

The Strength tarot card from the Tarot Illuminati deck
Deck: Tarot Illuminati


Much like how Mind, Body, and Spirit work as one to influence our physical health, the same applies to our spirituality. When Strength appears in a reading centred around spirituality, it calls for nurturing all three aspects in order to strengthen spiritual clarity. By cultivating the physical, mental, emotional, and soul aspects of our being, we create an unshakeable inner balance that boosts our personal strength—both externally and internally. You may be getting to grips with your own spirituality at this time. If so, proceed with patience and perseverance, but remain conscious of balance.

If you’re on a new spiritual adventure, Strength reminds you to be patient. In a world where knowledge flows with just a few clicks, it can quickly become overwhelming . Strength calls on you to focus in on one subject at a time. Use discernment. Allow your intuition to speak so it can guide you. It’s tempting to gobble up all the information and implement new practices immediately, but Strength reminds us to proceed with patience. There’s no rush. Spirituality is a lifelong journey.

A Strength Tarot Spread by Creative Soul Tarot

Grab your deck and journal! It's time to dive a little deeper with a Strength tarot spread. You might like to place the Strength card to one side as you shuffle and draw.

Where should I engage more compassion in my life?

How can I connect more with my inner strength?

What will nurture my inner strength?

What area of my life would benefit from a calmer approach?

How can I strengthen my patience?

How can I balance my mental and physical strength?

Where does my greatest strength lie?

What message does Strength impart for this upcoming year?

How will you work with Strength this year? Is it an energy you're familiar with, or one you'll need to work through? I'd love to hear your thoughts on how Strength may impact your 2024. You can reach me by email at


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